Daulat Singh took his BSc degree from AllahabadUniversityin1926andtheMScinphysicsfromAllahabad in 1928. It was at Allahabad in 1924, as afirstyearundergraduatestudent,thathe cameintocontact withProfessorMeghnadSaha who was histeacher. This contactproved to be a great boon forscience in our country. Saha was impressed by Kothari’sdiligenceandbrilliance.Sahanot onlytaughthimphysics but also got him interested in the history ofscience and philosophy. As Kothari himself recalls,Saha came toKothari’sroom in the Jain hostel one dayintheevening ofFebruary1927andenquiredwhetherhe intended to appear at the competitive examination for government service. Saha was greatly pleased whentoldbyKotharithathehadnosuchidea,andimmediatelyofferedthepostofademonstratorinthe physicsdepartment. SahahimselfdictatedtheapplicationwhichKotharisubmittedthenextday.Kothari got the offer in July 1928 as soon as his MScresultswereannounced.